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On-line ePetition
As of 14th April 2011, both our Paper Petition and ePetition have now closed.
We have collected around *1000 signatures on our paper petition and **26 signatures on our online ePetition. That total is far in excess of our expectations, and indicative of just how strong local people feel about keeping our park in good order and out of the hands of gangs and criminals.
We would like to thank all those people that signed the petitions.
The petitions have been submitted to the Council and are undergoing the formal process of presentation to the appropriate department.
* It's not been all good news unfortunately. We had paper petitions hosted in a number of businesses near the park, and when we went to collect them we found someone had 'stolen' 3 of them. We estimate that they may have contained up to 200 signatures, so we were only able to submit to the Council, around 800 signatures. If we could retrieve the 'stolen' petition forms quickly enough, we could add them to those already submitted.
To whoever stole our petitions.
several meetings with the Council, and decisions to revise the original
Council plans were made BEFORE the petition was submitted and based
on our campaign as a whole, not just the size of the petition. Something
you might like to contemplate is that you were captured on CCTV committing
a criminal act of THEFT, and quite possibly offences under the Data
Protection Act. Our campaign was about crime REDUCTION in and around
the park. It is OUR decision whether or not we proceed to pass your
details over to the authorities! If you wish to return the
petition forms to us, we will not proceed with initiating any criminal
action against you. Our contact details are at the top of
this page.
** The ePetition which was hosted by Brent Council also had more than it's fair share of problems, the Council's computer system is very 'flakey', we had lots of reports of people having to make multiple attempts to sign before they were successful, we don't know how many signatures we 'lost' because people simply gave up before they were successful.